Your personal, secure computer in the cloud with access from anywhere in the world.
The necessary files and programs are always at hand - at home, at work
or on a business trip.

Windows 10
Windows 11


Work with office applications, e-mail, Internet browsing

  • CPU2 vCPU
  • Memory2 memory
  • Storage30 storage
  • Data CenterDatacenter: Moscow
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Microsoft Office 2016Software installation
  • SSLEncrypted channel
15.00$ / month Purchase


A full-fledged workstation, any non-special applications

  • CPU4 vCPU
  • Memory4 memory
  • Storage90 storage
  • Data CenterDatacenter: Moscow
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Microsoft Office 2016Software installation
  • SSLEncrypted channel
33.00$ / month Purchase


Advanced use, software development, graphic design, team work

  • CPU - + vCPU
  • Memory - + memory
  • Storage - + storage
  • Data CenterDatacenter: Moscow
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Microsoft Office 2016Software installation
  • SSLEncrypted channel
0.01$ / month Purchase

Issuing a server takes up to five minutes. After, you will receive an email with information and a connection file.

To order a more powerful configuration, please contact us -

Remote virtual desktop in a Private Cloud
save your time and money

  • Remote virtual desktop is an instant access to work data and files over crypto-protected connection.
  • Forget about flash-drives and other portable storage devices. All needed work data and files are avaliable over internet with needed software and settings.
  • You can get access to Remote virtual desktop from computer with any operating system, like MACOSX, Linux and surely Windows operating system. Computer performance doesn’t matter.
  • Using Remote virtual desktop, you don’t need to pay for your own data-center and buy licenses for MS Windows and MS Office.
  • Remote virtual desktop infrastructure is using high speed storages. You can work with “heavy” applications (e.g. accounting and finance software) without latencies and lags.
  • For using Remote virtual desktop you don’t need to do special training or professional studies. It’s working the same way as your own physical computer.
  • If you are using Remote virtual desktop no need to worry about data safety in case of your computer broken, stolen or completely damaged.
  • You can increase the amount of available resources of CPU, memory, storage of your Remote virtual desktop without need to stop or reboot it.
  • We are using Vmware Vsphere technologies, which considered to be the leading market solution. This guarantee the best quality of our data-center operations and availability of access to your Remote virtual desktop.
  • To start working with Remote virtual desktop you don’t need to install any software or set big number of settings. We did all needed for your comfort work. Remote virtual desktop is ready to help you with everyday working tasks just in a couple of minutes after purchase.
  • Remote virtual desktop uses crypto algorithms to protect your data and files, as well as access to it.

About company

We are focused to provide a high quality of service to our customers all the time 24x7 365 days. We provide comfortable and user-friendly interface of our system to our customers with full finance control of all purchase operations.


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